Every time we consume, we choose the world we want. To trust in us, is to buy local, and to commit to the highest quality craftsmanship. It is also to perpetuate the Spanish footwear tradition, one of the most prestigious in the world.


Long and good quality process

As they say... "good things come to those who wait". Our unique footwear is inspired by nature, but it doesn't grow on trees. There are many people involved in the process and it is a long and good quality process.

How long does it take?

After the design of the trainer is made in Majorca, we will need up to 4 months to produce our unique fabric and the rest of the materials. To that, we will add 2 more months for manufacturing and assembly. And that's it, you can now enjoy your Yuccs!

100% nationale Produktion

Wir arbeiten mit insgesamt elf spanischen Lieferanten zusammen und kontrollieren den Herstellungsprozess zu jeder Zeit. So können wir die Qualität der Materialien gewährleisten, für nachhaltige Prozesse und menschenwürdige Arbeitsbedingungen sorgen und echte Mode schaffen, die die Welt respektiert.

Long live Slow Fashion!

From day 1, we support the responsible consumption of clothing and footwear philosophy called "Slow Fashion", which aims to raise awareness of the impact of clothing consumption on the environment, the depletion of resources and the impact of the textile industry on society. To this end, we produce in small quantities to try to avoid overstocking, and ensure that stocks do not accumulate, and materials are not wasted.

Natural Materials

We are committed to nature and its unique and innovative materials, that together with technology, will offer you an experience in comfort never seen before.